
"Costume Shooters" Directed by That Guy Behind the Tree

Confusion may be the best asset in battle to offset your opponent. This is the case in India where the above Police officers dressed as a Zoo Keeper and a 3rd grade Little League Catcher air out warning shots to break up a rally for the Bharatiya Janata Party candidate Varun Ghandi after his arrest in Pilibhit, India. Impressed by this successful yet unorthodox procedure, lurks an amateur director documenting the action-packed duo in their natural work-habitat. If the success train is still running on the coat tails of Slumdog Millionaire, expect someone’s parents to sell their kids.


slobodan fishman said...

if the price is right...i don't see a problem with selling my kid...don't judge me

Jaffar Wears Glasses said...

I've sold my kids to science in a cup. No judgement passed at all.

nanner boy said...

i've paid a few women in my past to swallow my kids in one shot. i've passed plenty judgement those days.