
DJ Hero

Last night, a DJ did not save my life or a guitar for that matter. Activision, makers of the video game classic Pitfall, takes another stab at greatness using a toy turntable with colored buttons on the record. In pursuit of making video gamers fatter and lazier, they just did. Who’s up for 808’s and heart attacks?


dj your mom said...

this is WAAAAAAAAAACK !!!!.....or maybe it will be the biggest hit ever...

Anonymous said...

Maybe we have to wait until we can play it!!!! ya never know!!! how is gonna be!!! we have to see!!!


CruJones said...

Mike G is just mad that he was never a DJ in his hay day and is afraid this could possibly be the video game that defeats him!

white guy said...

i second that mike g comment....from i was told by people who know him he is a bit of a douche....

CruJones said...

Oh White guy you are soo correct. I've known Mr Mike G since kindergarden and Douche is an understatement. He's more like the Colon cancer of our friends.