
Forbes Lists It Again

With reason to hate your life even more, Forbes released its annual richest billionaires in the world list. In an effort to portray sensitivity in a struggling economy, a special note was highlighted stating that everyone on the list got poorer, just like the rest of us. In 2008, there were 1,125 billionaires. Due to the harsh realities of the economy, it has depleted to 793, thus lowering plot choices for Ocean's 14. Putting this into layman’s terms, we ALL took a loss. And for a step further, let's put this into an analogy, for all you SAT studs out there.

Warren Buffet loses $25 billion dollars due to the dip in Berkshire Hathaway stock. As a result he takes the #2 rank amongst the world’s richest billionaires.


a.) Red is to Orange.

b.) Juno is to Alaska.

c.) David Seid loses $10,000 due to overtime-pay cutbacks at a computer company. As a result, he is not rewarded Employee of the Month, or does he receive a participation award this year. His productivity level drops thus prompting an increase in office theft.

d.) Bark is to Dog.

If you chose Choice C, you are wrong. Here’s why. Because David got poorer, the comparison is dead-right equivalent to Warren, because Warren got poorer too! However, with an increase in company theft, Dave overcompensated for the amount lost, reflecting his gross throughout the fiscal year to be higher. Because it pays to steal from a computer company, David bettered Warren. Trick question!

The World's Richest Billionaire - Because Billionaire alone, doesn't suggest richest. Great wordplay Forbes, now go fuck yourself.


Anonymous said...

i agree with the last sentance in this post....

Anonymous said...

I guess there's no limit when you cross the line of redundancy.