
Leno vs Obama vs Special Olympics vs Bullshit

Last week Obama appeared on Leno, as part of his media blitz. During the interview, Obama mentioned his dismal 129 bowling score to most, but to him a vast improvement from his original 37 showing. In general Host form, Leno quiffed at his outing, sparking chuckles from the crowd and even Sir Obama himself. Not in defense, but playful banter, Obama chucked out and compared his score to those like the Special Olympics. Cringe worthy – yes! Should the President of the Free World have said that? Yes – because it’s the Free World. No matter his choice in simile, he’ll be criticized by 40% of the US population no matter what he does. I’m sure their was beef over his Red tie, alone.

But why does this deserve positive reinforcement, instead of the negative backlashes he has been receiving? By this week, the Special Olympics will be among the top Googled subjects probably right above “Dancing with The Stars Injuries.” What’s that – 6.3 million results found on Google. What’s that? Special Olympics reality show in the works on TLC? Not yet, but like the National Spelling Bee, everyone loves an underdog.

Tim Maloney, a 38 year old Special Olympics bowler, has been bowling for the past 30 years. In light of Obama’s recent comments, Maloney suggests Obama needs to invest more focus and time to ever reach his average of 165. Now if my Asian math is precise, which it ALWAYS is, Obama might not take home a bronze medal, but he might take home a participation award at the Special Olympics with that score.


TruthBeTold said...

I don't see why it was so negative...

Anonymous said...

i agree i think barry was "on point"...

Anonymous said...

Which one Leno moment was worse, the Special Olympics comment, or the Halle Berry "Jewish Nose" comment?